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Connecting Everything Everwhere

BANYAN project is designed to address major open issues towards the realisation of data-driven 5G radio access network planning

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Enhanced Network Slicing

Network slicing allows the creation of multiple logical network instances (i.e. slices) on the same underlying physical network. Slices can then be formed or combined on-demand, with parameters optimized according to different service requirements so as to meet the users’ instant requests for specific mobile services.

Geo Locating

Geo-locate and characterize both in-building and out-building mobile traffic demands at a high level of detail. Characterize and forecast both macroscopic (e.g., outdoor citywide) and microscopic high-dimensional traffic patterns for individual services at multi-scales (from antenna sector to nationwide);

Dynamic Radio Network Optimization

Implementation of a flexible, adaptable, and programmable network architecture that can enable network slicing; Slicenet on advanced software-defined networking and cognitive network management for infrastructure sharing across multiple operator domains


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860239

Modern Architecture


In use since the beginning of cellular technology, radio access network (RAN) has evolved through the generations of mobile communications. As demand for mobile services increases and diversifies with 4G and 5G, networks need to meet a growing variety of quality of service (QoS) requirements. The EU-funded BANYAN project will develop key tools for data-driven 5G RAN. It will coordinate an academic-industrial cooperation to address several issues, including the modelling and forecasting of macroscopic high-dimensional mobile traffic patterns observed at RAN for individual services, at multiple scales in time and space and the geo-locating and characterising of in-building mobile traffic patterns observed at RAN. It will also develop algorithms to proactively optimise network slicing formation and life cycle management and proactively allocate virtualised RAN resources to meet users’ demands. BANYAN will also be responsible for training early-stage researchers, who are urgently needed by various sectors.

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